

This page is based on nownownow.com. Here I briefly summarize what I'm currently doing.


Since 2017, I mainly earn my money as a developer at konzentrik. Currently, we are developing RapidStream, a streaming SaaS. It utilizes an Event-Driven NodeJS Microservice Architecture.

Writing and Speaking

Of course, I blog and take notes on my website. I have a newsletter and I'm currently working on a new podcast. Eventually, I want to continue my podcast "Erzählen". Additionally, I also publish a post for konzentrik almost every week.

Here you can find an overview of my latest texts.

Kirby Plugins

I develop some plugins for the Kirby CMS:

Reading and Listening

I'm currently reading Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations by Micah Lee, Das Ministerium der Zukunft by Kim Stanley Robinson and before that I read Draußen feiern die Leute by Sven Pfizenmaier

Recently played:

In Transit

by Abay Love & Distortion