Code faster using Sublime Text and Gists
If you develop websites or software, you now that procedures and code fragments may be reused from time to time. As a developer you should always try to avoid those repetitions.
A website without a blog is somehow incomplete. Here's mine.
If you develop websites or software, you now that procedures and code fragments may be reused from time to time. As a developer you should always try to avoid those repetitions.
Wow, was für ein Jahr!
Wenn man dabei ist zu arbeiten, Termine einzuhalten, Dinge zu entwickeln, Neues zu lernen, dann merkt man gar nicht, wie schnell die Zeit vergeht.
Nun steht Weihnachten vor der Tür, dicht gefolgt vom Jahreswechsel. Das ist die Zeit im Jahr, während der ich mir immer gerne die Zeit nehme, zurück zu blicken.
Zwei wichtige Entscheidungen haben mein Jahr ausgezeichnet:
ReadSublime Text offers, beside numerous plugins, a lot of themes, to customize the editor as you wish. These are my top3 favorite themes for Sublime Text 3.
In Germany there is that cheeky term „Internetausdrucker“ - internet printer - which is particularly addressed to politicians. But shouldn't we take care of those printing people?
If you provide source code, may it be as an application or as an open source tool, you might want to ship a changelog with it. Using git and gruntjs, makes it easy to create such a changelog fast and automatically.