Sublime Text for JavaScript developers
I’ve been searching for some time now, to find the best Sublime Text plugins which help me write JavaScript code. And it seems like I’ve found a good combination.
JavaScript Ultimate
JavaScript Ultimate is the heart of my setup. It comes with an outstanding autocomplete for functions and variables. This plugin is an extended language definition, so it replaces the JavaScript language definition comming with sublime.
Go To Definition
You can easily jump to a definition of a function or anything else within Sublime Text, by pressing cmd+r
and starting to type. Or you can choose an entry from the list.
Go To Definition makes it even more simpler. Just put your cursor on a function-call and press alt+g
. The plugin will now jump to the related function/method. The best thing is, this works cross-file.
JavaScript Snippets
The name should speak for itself. It is a collection of usefull JavaScript snippets. Very helpful.
I like my code to be in shape. So Alignment is mandatory for me. Marked sections will be aligned, like so:
hallo: welt,
hallihallo: universum
will become:
hallo : welt,
hallihallo: universum
Bracket Highlighter
The Bracket Highlighter helps you get a better overview. It works with a lot of languages and shows code blocks next to the line numbers.
Sublime Linter
Sublime Linter by itself doesn’t do a lot. You’ll need some other plugins. I use JSHint and Annotations.
If you’re writing JavaScript code, you should know JSHint. This linter shows errors and warnings right when I make them. You can configure JSHint being more or less strict. In case of JSHint you’ll need the binaries, which you have to install by yourself, because the plugin comes without them.
Annotation helps me getting an overview of all my TODOs and stuff like that. It marks comments containing certain words, which you can freely define. Those can be marked as a warning or error. And you can even get a cross-file-report, if you like.
Get the Plugin
Plugins for Sublime Linter
I am quite happy with my current setup. Especially with the autocomplete. Try it out and let me know, if you know other plugins I have to look at.
I’ve some more plugins doing some work for me, which you can find in my older posts.